始めましょう、みんなさん!∩(´∀`❤)∩ [9/2]


Now, focusing on Japanese media, I am watching a variety of anime that are currently releasing and listening to a lot of Japanese music. What I want to talk about today is the genre of music called shoegaze but done by Japanese artists. Shoegaze is a subgenre of alternative and indie music that has fuzzy texture, a bit loud, and accompanied by dreamy or soft vocals. Now J-shoegaze follows this pattern of music style and then becomes even more beautiful with the Japanese language being as it is. Some of my favorite artists while listening to this subgenre are 溶けない名前(とけない名前) and 死んだ僕の彼女 both of which were very relaxing while I did my homework and decorated my room. The music is great for background noise and for being productive. Here's the link to the playlist I used: J-Shoegaze.


  1. コンサートに行くのはとても楽しみですね、いいなあ。。。私は先月日本で好きなアーティストのライブに行きたかったんだけど、チケットが取れなかったんです。すごく残念でした。


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