My Impression of "The Joy of Living Between Languages" {Wk 9}


Jeffrey Angles: Being a translator is an honor and a responsibility | The  Japan Times

Dr. Angles' lecture was both so inspiring but also really impressive. The amount of work he's spent on his work and translating other's work is so cool and interesting to me. When he started talking about the beauty of learning another language, it reminded me of the beauty and power it is to be one person with so many aspects to oneself that are all unique but equal. Listening to him read the poems so quickly really made me motivated to learn Japanese more and become even more proficient than I am right now. Also, talking with him one-on-one was an amazing opportunity that I am truly grateful for. I know I am not alone in how much I respect and appreciate him coming down to speak to us. Furthermore, the sushi and Japanese sweets were all so delicious. I love how all the treats are so colorful and have such cute designs. Japan's sense of creativity never ceases to astound me and makes me all the more excited to go to Japan in my sophomore spring! 


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