ブラック★★ロックシューター DAWN FALL {Wk 11}

Back Rock Shooter is a classic anime based on a mysterious girl with long black hair and blue eyes with one lit aflame. The first anime published in 2012 was one of the first anime that I had ever watched. This new series was a blast from the past with a new story. I really was shocked with both the character design, animation style, and overall plot. Black Rock Shooter known as the Empress in this series. She is a young girl who was a part of a military project to create protectors of humanity who had both technological and biological matter, a cyborg. The show follows this character as she must fight to protect what's left of humanity against a corrupt AI known as Artemis. The anime is brutal with small moments of light hearted interactions but mostly focuses on three augmented girls who are trying to understand who they are and their mission.

Black Rock Shooter has brought several outcomes related to my Japanese study. Throughout the anime, I was able to understand certain Japanese vocabulary and sentence structure without looking at the subtitles or analyzing the context of the scene. Furthermore, I was able to recognize the differences between katakana and hiragana or kanji. Unrelated to the specific anime itself, the franchise of the series itself and the difference in time between the older anime presents how certain franchises are capable of thriving no matter the time. Some animes only last one season, but certain series whether its popularity or because its from a game or famous franchise tend to stand the test of time depending on the art, characters, and storyline. Some similar examples are Hellsing, Attack on Titan, Hatsune Miku, and Bleach. I really am glad that I'm studying Japan and its culture which all stemmed from watching some cool cartoons. 


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