ジョーカー・ゲーム {Wk 9}


ジョーカー・ゲーム is an espionage-based anime that takes place in a fictional Japan. The name of the anime is based off a card game presented in the first episode that only these spies will play. Each episode or two focuses on the main cast introduced in the first episode. The show goes through a mission that each of these well-trained civilians go through. Their motto is "Don't kill. Don't die." This anime is a more serious anime where even the color palette of the show is all very dark or plain tones which is such a beautiful metaphor for hiding in plain sight. All of the spies are well-composed and show little to no emotion which is so cool. Each spy solves their respective mission which all take place in different areas, involve a different background story, and all conclude in a different manner still leading to their success. I thoroughly enjoyed this anime and the change of pace from my action packed and vibrant colored shows with comedy or flashy fights. As much as I love a good shounen anime or slice of life, I really was entertained and kept on the edge of my seat as each agent had their own issue or problem and how the combated the situation and adapted like a true spy never revealing their true selves.

Related to my Japanese study, I noticed in the first mission which took place in Japan against an American/English spy how serious the Japanese military follows their code and rules. They play very fair and would even commit hara-kiri (which I had heard before but didn't know quite well) or stomach disembowelment if they failed their officer or disobeyed or dishonored their name as a military policeman. Throughout the rest of the anime, I witnessed not only a display of Japanese culture within the military (kenpeitai) but also how Japanese military acts differently or similarly to other nations at least from Japan's perspective. Furthermore, in relation to my Japanese study, this anime certainly insightful and interesting not in the artistic beauty of Japanese culture but in the historical correlations to actual Japanese espionage and military men. I highly recommend this anime if you want a change in scenery from the typical light-hearted or action-filled anime you normally watch.



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