Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid {Wk 3}

This anime is a very cute fantasy-styled slice of anime with a good mix of seriousness and lighthearted comedy and love. The story is about an injured dragon named Tohru that escapes death by traveling to an alternate dimension where magic is basically extinct. In this foreign world, a normal human known as Kobayashi-san is drunk one night and explores the forest only to stumble upon Tohru. Thoroughly intoxicated, she isn't afraid of the ginormous dragon and in actuality saves Tohru's life by removing the sword from her side. Tohru finds herself indebted and in love with Miss Kobayashi. The rest of the anime is focused on the dynamics each dragon makes with their human counterpart. Miss Kobayashi's home is focused household that seems to constantly attract merry times and mythological creatures from the other side. 
I honestly enjoyed this anime so much because of the adorable design and really wholesome relationships. Although the occasional risqué or violent moments, the overall tone is very lighthearted and love-filled. Each character is growing, changing, and maturing while gaining new experiences and life lessons. I absolutely recommend anyone who hasn't seen the show to watch it in all of its entirety. I give it a solid 9/10 rating with the minus one for some of odd moments the show has from time to time. 

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid is an amazing parallel to my Japanese study in many ways. Tohru is a foreign entity trying to understand and live in Japan alongside its cultural values. Kanna Kamui is a small child trying to grasp the complicated (well, not for her to be honest) language and be apart of the society. I genuinely think this anime is a perfect glimpse into Japan's culture and way of life through a very happy lens that isn't too serious but also not too over dramatized. 
    Furthermore, it also shows how certain values from different cultures may clash but should never be the cause for tension or conflict. People from any background can live alongside each other if they respect each other's boundaries and values. You never have to agree with how things are done, but you should never take things into your own hand because of your personal opinions and emotions unless warranted for either ethical or logical reasons.



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