JJK 0: The Movie {Wk 5}

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 is a precursor to the well-known anime Jujutsu Kaisen which came out around 2020. The movie follows Yuta Okkotsu who is cursed after the death of his childhood friend, Rika. He is then scouted by Jujutsu High where sorcerers are gathered to defend normal people from the curses they can't even see. Overall, this show was done so beautifully both in animation, storytelling, and overall character design. I'm such a fan of MAPPA Studios and all the fantastic work they do. Stories like this one are one of my favorites because they involve the supernatural, action, and amazing character design and development. Personally, I could watch this movie again and again and would never get sick of it. For those who have never seen JJK, this movie doesn't require prior knowledge and allows anyone to enjoy the film. However, if you had watched the anime, the minor details can really be seen from characters involved in fight scenes to techniques used among the sorcerers.


From the movie, there are a lot of phrases that are subtitled the same but phonetically sound different which really goes to show the complexity of the three system language known as Japanese. I really enjoyed also the cultural aspect of sorcerers as priests and shamans were commonly known to rid curses in olden Japan. The concept of superstition becoming a reality like shows with yokai are so interesting as the different designs for the myths are so unique and intriguing. Furthermore, the movie delves into the different cultures with similar core myths which goes to show how complex Japan can truly be.


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